Cindrella Mizher

I am currently carrying out my master studies in “Film and media production” at Lund University.

I also work as a producer for Teater foratt, a multinational theater that works on integration through art in diverse yet segregated communities like the ones you can find in Malmö.

Since many years now, I have been involved in various social movements that worked on social justice and democracy in its different aspects. I worked on independent art projects related to social inclusiveness, refugee issues, volunteering, anti sectarianism, free elections, democracy and so on. I work especially with social media and social art tools to promote and spread the collective demands of the oppressed public groups I belong or relate to.

I have been trying to explore what change can art and independent media draw in a society. The social media tools I am familiar with, within my work, combine the new technologies (blogs, social channels…) with the artistic media (video art, social theater, graphic design…). Combining these mediums creates a strong flow of information, communication, and interactions that can thus build up to a collective strength.

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